Intro to new members of the Canine Team at MJD
With the launch of our new website, we have some updates and new additions to the Canine Team, so without further ado we will hand over this blog to Flora the Main Dawg (MD).
Flora, Main Dawg or MD for short here. Let me tell you, the canine team has expanded and I have my work cut out for me bossing about this bunch. I don’t get nearly enough treats as a bonus for the antics I put up with. However, let me introduce the new members of my team.

Jax – WiFi Wagger
Jax came to us to fill the gap in our WiFi experience and is certainly making sure to put his waggy tail to good use for us. When he’s not hard at work wagging wifi networks, he likes to find as small a bed as possible and squeeze into it. Even better if a blanket is involved and he can hide under there. He’s a vocal grumbler when he’s happy and content, which sometimes gives me a fright when I walk past him! Although sometimes, I thought there was a tent in the workshop put up for us dogs, turns out it was just Jax sleeping on his back with legs straight in the air. We’ve floated the idea of doggie tent beds past the hooman management, but have yet to see the approval back, I must chase that tomorrow.

Jinx – Byte-Sized IT Engineer
Jinx is a fellow small dog with a big personality, much like myself. She’s great at the small fiddly IT jobs where Jax’s paws just won’t do. Sometimes she evens manages to fix the problem before her dog dag has even got the PC onto the workbench she’s that good! When she’s not fixing PCs in the workshop she loves to explore new walks with her hoomans and supporting her dog daddy at his rugby matches. Sounds like a great place to make new doggie friends and get lots of scratches and pets from hoomans.

Roxy – Pawsome Scheduler
Roxy is a great and needed addition to my team. She keeps all the dogs right with where they need to be and when. Also, she’s great at ensuring we all get our nap, food and treat breaks which is the most important parts of our days, apart of course from our work for the hoomans at MJD. The work we do is a crucial part of the success of our hoomans endeavors, but is only supported by nap and food breaks. When Roxy isn’t working hard on the calendars, she loves to go for walks with her dog mum and snuggle down into a comfy bed.
These guys have been part of the team for a wee while now, we were just waiting (as usual) on the hoomans getting the website updated for us to have our big announcement! Hope it was worth the wait, Flora – MD over and out.