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What is a per device support contract?

For several years now we have been introducing a different format for the contracted support we can offer our clients.  We will explore the benefits of a per device contract and explain what it is to help you decide if this is the contract setup suitable for you.

A per device support contract is based on the number of devices you have in your network and charged at a set rate.  We have a few different levels of per device contracts, to help customise the support each of our clients requirements.  This means we can monitor the network, perform maintenance and resolve any issues found or reported to us for a known figure each month.  You can plan your cash flow and know the cost of your IT support regardless of the support you require each month.  It takes the unpredictability out of your financial budgeting for IT.

Compared with ad hoc support, you get a guaranteed response time to different priorities of incidents, alongside the cloud support services and network monitoring and maintenance that might be included in your per device contract.

A per device contract can be suitable when you do not have your own internal IT department and you need to be able to predict your monthly expenses, we basically act as your IT department taking away all the stresses that can be involved.  When considering if you require an ad hoc contract or a per device contract you need to consider the importance of your IT infrastructure to your ability to operate your core business.  If without your IT network and devices you could not operate your business successfully a per device contract which allows for monitoring and maintenance of the network would be your best choice we will pro-actively monitor to prevent failures wherever possible.

A per device contract also allows you to increase and decrease your requirements as you grow in size, so it can be a great solution even if you plan to grow in size or know you will need to increase devices for a project then decrease afterwards.  The flexibility along with the known cost of each additional device allows you to plan in the IT costs to your expenses of a project and take one more unknown out of the planning of your future project.

A per device contract allows us to take the uncertainty out of IT maintenance and costs for you and to help you plan and maintain your IT infrastructure.  This means you can concentrate on your core business while we concentrate on ours to maintain your IT network.  Let’s make IT work for YOU.