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Why do I have no Internet Connection when I am connected to my Wifi?

We’ve all been there, your device can connect to the wifi, but has no Internet connection?  It can be incredibly frustrating, so lets go why this may happen to you.  Your Internet connection is provided by your Internet Service Provider whether this is by phone line, fibre, 4G or satellite connection.  Your wireless signal is provided by either your router or an access point.  Therefore, if your internet connection is down and cannot provide your wireless network with connection to the internet, you will still be able to connect to your wireless network.  This is because your router or access points will still be able to generate a wireless signal to connect to your network within your office/home but just won’t have an internet connection to transmit through the wireless network.  Let’s give you some basic troubleshooting steps to help you determine when ask for IT assistance to resolve the issue.

First point of call should always be to check with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) that there isn’t an outage in your area.  Most ISPs have a page on their website dedicated to current outages or even a search by post code or area code.  By checking this first, you know whether it is worth spending additional time troubleshooting your issue within your own network.

Next if we have determined that there are no outages with your ISP, it’s time to start narrowing your search for the issue down by checking if any other devices or users are able to get an internet connection on your wifi.  By checking this, you can determine if you need to investigate the singular device you are currently working on or if it is experienced by multiple users and different devices then there maybe an issue with the router or any devices providing your wireless signal such as access points.

At this point, if you have narrowed down the problem to all devices have no internet then the first thing to do is reboot the router (leave it switched off for at least 5 minutes), however, if you narrowed it down to a singular device or to being part of your wireless network, there could be a variety of issues happening to these devices to cause them to either be unable to connect to the Internet signal or to be unable to send out your wireless Internet connection.  It is time to get in touch with your Managed Service Provider or IT department to carry out technical troubleshooting on the device/system in question.  The team here at MJD would be more than happy to help troubleshoot any issues and get you connected to the Internet again, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch and lets make IT work for YOU.